Sunday, December 5, 2010

Settling In

I finally got released to be on my own (with a seasoned partner of course) and it feels good. I'm slowly learning the job, getting the much needed experience to feel comfortable in my skin. It's happening far to slowly for me, but I do see a difference, a new confidence in myself that I've never had before.
I'm afraid to even whisper the words, but I think, just maybe, this might be, a good holiday season.
Things have been AMAZING on every front, my personal relationships are thriving, my professional life is fulfilling, my spiritual self is peaceful...I thank God for my blessings everyday.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sorry I Left Ya Hanging...

8 weeks ago I was planning on being a nurse.
Now I'm in fire school.
Learning a new job.
On the road.
No more office, fire station instead.
No more clothes, uniforms instead.
"Your mama wears combat boots", "Yes , she does".
Blowing gender stereotypes out of the water.

I wanna be a fireman when I grow up (spoken by the childhood me)
I'm going to be a firefighter/paramedic...someday soon!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

AGAIN !?! WTF?!? seriously?!?...Yes...

sigh... Job changes...
not at liberty to say, yet....
good thing?
my choice?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Bit of Time Off

I have 3 weeks between the summer semester and the fall semester, I thought I'd fill you in on happenings around here.
Union contract passed, saving my job for another year. Whew, glad that's over, that was a stressful time!
Cars are breaking all over the place here! Thank goodness JJ is a former grease monkey and can fix them in the driveway. 3 out of 5 cars have had issues this week.
I finished my summer class with a 98 for my final project, and an A overall, preserving my 15 year old, 4.0 GPA. WOO-HOO! I know GPA won't matter in the real world, but it matters to me...
Dork that I am, I ordered my A&P text book and coloring workbook from Amazon today, and picked 2 day shipping, I can't wait to tear into it... 4.0 WILL remain intact.....

Monday, July 12, 2010

Again...this SUCKS!

Hour long meeting.
Budget deficit.
Job on the line...
I can't handle this AGAIN...
The worrying.
The wondering.
The panic driven, dramatic co-workers sinking the ship before it's decided.
LOTS of "if : thens", nothing in writing...
Deal done by October 1

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Class Tonight

Its mostly boring, I got done what I needed to, and got out. Microsoft Applications, I know just enough to be ahead of most of the class and get bored with the verrrrrrry sloooooow pace. Dinner is usually comprised of whatever I get out of the vending machine. I picked a good class for a 6 week summer semester.
I haven't cooked much lately, with 40 hrs of work, school, the home biz, and the gym, I get very little free time. What time I do have I like to spend in my reader, on my Nook, facebook or just staring brainlessly at yet another episode of NCIS. I exhausted my supplies of bulk cooking about 2 weeks ago, and we have been living on junk since, that does not mesh with my self betterment outlook on life. Tonight I assembled a chicken slop for hubby to put in the crock tomorrow, took out chicken breasts to thaw for shredding and plan to pick up 10 lbs of ground beef to cook up this weekend. Add all that to a huge red sauce, BOGO pasta at the grocery store and keeping the salad fixings fresh, I'l have enough meals for a month!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

On Exercise

Twice a week.
Only for a month (so far).
I touched my toes tonight!
seriously? did you hear me?
I. Touched. My. Toes. With. Ease.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm here.
I spent some time writing another blog.
I hid from myself.
I found myself anyway.
It hurt.
I found myself anyway.
I like who I am.(most of the time)
I try to like myself all the time.
I'm living consciously.
Ever vigilant about the woman I am,
Compared to the woman I want to be.
I don't look back, regret is meaningless
Everyday is new...